Interstate 390 & 590 – Rochester, NY
Date: 2016
Location: Rochester, NY
Project Description
This three-part project using FORTA-FI reinforcement fibers included a full-depth reclamation at Interstate Route 390, a saw & sealed portion of Interstate Route 590 from Winton Rd to State Route 31, and a 2” direct overlay on IR 590 from IR 390 to Winton Rd.
5-Year Update
After 5 years the roadway still shows limited cracking, mostly near the start and stop of paving days. When comparing the saw & sealed section to the 2” direct overlay, inspectors stated that there was no increase in performance and would recommend saving time and money in the future.
Technical Specifications
- Fiber Reinforcement: FORTA-FI
- Existing Pavement: Composite Roadway
- Application: Mill & Fill, FDR
- Climate: High Freeze-Thaw Cycles