presentations tailored to your needs
FORTA offers presentations tailored to your needs. Each application and project is different. Let us know what questions you have and we will be sure to get them answered.
FORTA is accepted by the American Institute of Architects as a registered provider of Continuing Education System credits. AIA members can obtain C.E.S. credits for the FORTA program: “Fiber Reinforced Concrete”.
Understand the four most important fiber characteristics and how they affect performance in concrete. Use a 4-C’s fiber formula to objectively compare fiber types and brands. Understand the two basic performance levels of synthetic fibers: temperature/crack control reinforcement and structural property enhancing reinforcement. Determine appropriate real-world applications for both levels of synthetic fiber reinforcement.
Need fiber samples? Or more information about our fibers?
FORTA strives to provide the best, most current and useful information possible. If you wish to obtain additional information or details, please contact us.
100 Forta Drive
Grove City, PA
16127-6399 USA
To schedule a seminar or webinar, interested AIA members and/or state-related parties should contact the main office.