Make-a-Wish foundation grants wishes to children with life-threatening medical conditions. Make-a-Wish describes the program:
“A wish come true has the power to make kids feel stronger, more courageous, and more determined to overcome their illnesses. Many families and healthcare providers believe the wish experience is the turning point in a wish kid’s battle against their illness.”
According to the Make-a-Wish, a child’s wish is granted, on average, every 34 minutes somewhere in the United States and its territories. Each donated wish serves as a new beginning for the child and their family and helps each child to put the memory of their illness to the side.
“I returned home from my wish a different person, with a different perspective – and a different appreciation for how important it was for me to truly live the rest of my life, no matter how many years that might be. ”
— Tiffany, a 1998 Make-A-Wish recipient
To learn more about Make-a-Wish America, or how to donate, click here. As always, FORTA® enjoys contributing to the community, both locally and nationally.