
Decorative Concrete


Typically decorative concrete contractors shy away from the use of the second generation macro synthetic fibers for use in stamped and decorative concrete for fear of having visible fibers on the surface after completion. Recently a contractor who uses the FORTA-FERRO® macro fibers in his standard slab-on-grade projects had a stamped concrete patio project come up and he wanted to test the FORTA-FERRO® for finish ability in this application.

A dosage of 7.5 lbs. per cubic yard of 2 ¼” length FORTA-FERRO® was chosen in this 4″ thick, 5 yard stamped concrete slab. The surface of the integral colored concrete was first striked off and then 2 different shake colors were then applied to the surface, after which the surface was bull floated and lastly a Fresno was used. Once this was complete the shake hardener was applied.

The end result after pressure washing the surface was a fiber-free surface on the stamped concrete patio. Many stamped concrete contractors use micro fibers for the main reason they do not show on the surface. This patio shows that macro synthetic fibers, which offer better hardened concrete benefits, will also yield excellent results when it comes to the visual finish of the decorative concrete.

Project Details:

  • Application: Decorative Patio
  • Owner: Private Residential
  • Location: Grove City, PA
  • General Contractor: Ron Minor – Minor Industries, Stoneboro, PA
  • Concrete Contractor: Ron Minor – Minor Industries,Stoneboro, PA
  • Ready-Mix Supplier: R.W. Sidley, Pennsylvania
  • Fiber/ Dosage: FORTA-FERRO® 2 1/4″ 7.5 lbs. /CY

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