In the March 20, 2014 edition of published an article “Not Meshing Around.” The article discuss the safety benefits of using synthetic fiber in concrete projects versus wire mesh on job sites.
In the past construction of slabs on metal deck involved the use of a concrete slab with a supporting platform made up of structural steel beams and a metal deck. Historically, a typical steel deck consisted of a corrugated steel sheet with a concrete topping reinforced with welded wire mesh. The purpose of the wire mesh is to act as a secondary (non-structural) reinforcement to prevent concrete cracks.
The present day now offers the use of synthetic fibers, primarily macro-synthetic fibers, as a more effective way to reduce and control cracking. Synthetic fibers meet and exceed established standards and business codes established by the Steel Deck Institute (SDI), Underwriters Laboratories (UL), American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the American Concrete Institute (ACI). Beyond the cost savings and reduction or prevention of cracking is the time and labor savings by simply adding synthetic fibers to the concrete mix.
In addition to the benefits of synthetic fiber in the concrete mix as a cost-effective solution is they also eliminate any head aches when is comes to removing potential hazards from the work site. Synthetic fibers offer a safer alternative to placing and working with wire mesh for construction workers. Using synthetic fiber eliminates worry of injury to workers for construction businesses and project foremen.
Biddle, Daniel T. “Not Meshing Around.” March 20,2014