
Pervious Concrete I


Pervious Concrete has been used in many countries for many years, and is now becoming more than just an oddity in the United States. The driving force behind this surge in pervious application is a growing need to take full advantage of shrinking building sites, and to accommodate storm-water runoff in the process.  Essential to the air-void nature of pervious, or porous concrete, is the potential for a lack of durability and toughness, which often impacts application choices and project volume.

Experts in the art of pervious materials and practice have long sought out ways to improve the material’s durability, and to add to the long-term comfort level of owners that choose it and specifiers that specify it. Synthetic fibers have been tested and used for many years to add an element of crack control, however these fibers have been somewhat limited by shape and dosage, and have not offered a contribution level that could be considered as significant to this long-term durability goal.  The advent of second-generation synthetic macro fibers has opened a door of opportunity for this application, one that continues to morph and change with new project experience and laboratory study.

Please stay tuned for more features that show the benefits of pervious concrete and synthetic macro fiber uses.

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